The route runs from TransContainer's terminal at Yekaterinburg-Tovarny station to the company's terminal at Bazaikha station in Krasnoyarsk, with an estimated transit time of seven days. It is expected that shipments will become regular with a frequency of at least two trains per month. The service is focused on transportation of consolidated cargoes, including mineral oils, ferrous metal products, plywood, beverages, and construction materials. In the future it is planned to expand the nomenclature of transported cargoes.
The new route supplemented the existing TransContainer service from Ekaterinburg to Irkutsk to the Batareinaya station. In conditions of restricted incoming traffic on the roads of the Eastern polygon, an additional train with loaded containers allows to increase the flow to Krasnoyarsk railway and use containers and fitting platforms for further export loading.
The first train successfully delivered 151 TEUs with consolidated cargoes to Krasnoyarsk.
In 2022, TransContainer completed the reconstruction of its own container terminal Bazaikha in Krasnoyarsk, increasing its processing capacity by 3.5 times - up to 250,000 TEUs annually. Consequently, the capacity of container yards increased from 1,300 to 4,400 TEUs, the total length of the cargo front increased from 62 to 142 conventional wagons. < Back to list